119 S. Sumter St., PO Box 832, Sumter, SC 29151 (803) 773-5508
Gifts and Contributions

Monetary Contribution

Fill in the amount you want to donate in the box below and click the category of service you want your donation to go to, then click "Make Donation". You will be taken to the shopping cart where you may click "Go To Payments" and fill in your billing information and then your credit card information. This information will be held securely in the shopping cart awaiting retrieval by Sumter Senior Services. They will then process the information in the usual way.

I would like to make the following donation(s) to support the following service(s):

$ Meals-On-Wheels
$ Transportation
$ Wellness Programs
$ Senior Centers
$ At Your Discretion


Or you may make your donation through the mail. Click on the link to download the Donation Form. Print it, fill it out and mail it to Sumter Senior Services.