119 S. Sumter St., PO Box 832, Sumter, SC 29151 (803) 773-5508
Christmas Cards: Senior Discount


To get the senior disount (20% off), order at least 5 cards (any or all designs) by entering the quantities for each card and click the Order Cards button below.
Christmas Card: Swans and Poinsettias by Angela Clark
Swans and Poinsettieas
Angela Clark
Christmas Card: Peace by Lisa Linder:
(back of card shown inverted here for easier reading)
Lisa Lindler
Christmas Card: Happy Welcome Wreath. Five dollars each
Holiday Welcome Wreath
Rose Metz
Christmas card: Church of the Holy Cross Aps view five dollars each
Interior, Church of the Holy Cross
Mary Tuggle
Christmas card: Christmas Dinner (birds around a feeder in snow five dollars each
Christmas Dinner
Dave Brown

Corporate Discount